Copywriting: Why do I need a writer?

Hiring a professional writer makes your company look good. From website wording to business letters and publications, the written word is important. Hiring a writer can be affordable and profitable for your business. Great writing guides someone from idea to follow through. Great writing gets your customers to buy.

Google defines copywriting as the activity or occupation of writing the text of advertisements or publicity material. 

We define it as helping you sell your product.

We’ve got more than 25 years experience in writing and editing. Our experience includes tagline writing, blog writing, multimedia scripts, training, trade shows, proposals, and commercial video scripts.

The connections we’ve made in the creative market help you get your project done on time and correctly. If you need a video producer, we can recommend options. If you need a game developer, we know several. Get the idea?

Tagline Writing

Taglines are short slogans or product catch phrases. You’ll usually give your writer ideas about your business and what you want your customer to think. The writer will then come back to you with several written options for your tagline.

Blog Writing

Blogs are written web articles about a subject. Blogs are also key in building up your product or service. Blog writing often starts by identifying what you want promoted, and then creating an article that will appeal to many readers on that subject. As search engines like Google read the blog, the importance of your website goes up and your SEO improves.

Multimedia Scripts & Product Funnels

These are fun projects. Multimedia includes video games, online tutorials, game-based training, and signup processes. The typical script creates a process you want someone to follow and then guides them through from start to finish.


Writing for training often involves a technical, yet fun approach. We can provide both written training from your materials and online tutorials with quizzes or games to help drive the training home. Our techniques improve attention, the ability to recall what is learned, and ensure completion of the training.

Trade Shows

Trade shows are like mini performances. Often it takes a writer’s touch to completely think through the patron’s experience. Your materials have to be organized, and your graphic design materials, signup materials, and any multimedia or video presentations must be unified.

Proposal Writing

Proposals gain resources for your company or organization. Our proposal experience includes both both commercial contract acquisition and organization funding efforts. With a technical writing background, we know how to approach organizational writing in an compelling way.

Writing projects are booked based on your goals. The first step is a conversation about your project. Drop us a message here, and we’ll get back to you quickly.

Let’s Talk

Posted in Services, Writing Help.