How to use the WordPress Visual Editor System

Use these training videos to learn how to use the WordPress Visual Editor system. Included: The Toolbar, Editing Text, Using Paragraphs, Heading Styles, Hyperlinks, Lists, Embed Videos, Creating Playlists, Post Excerpts [wpmudev-video group=”editor” show_title=”1″]

top 7 web design mistakes

Top 7 Web Design Mistakes Small Businesses Make

A recent Forbes Magazine article written by (Ilya Pozin) points to the top 7 rookie web design mistakes. Ilya points out that “as a small business, your website is a vital piece of your marketing and branding efforts. Visitors are coming to your website for a specific reason, and you want to ensure that you […]

Custom Business Card Design

Custom business card design gets you noticed and puts your unique style on your business, every time you hand out a card. Get a card you’ll be proud of. Custom business card design is kinda like snappy, new shoes. There’s nothing quite like wearing snappy new shoes. They’re crisp and clean; your friends notice them, and they […]

Rush t-shirt design @

Be More Creative in 5 Minutes

It isn’t hard to be more creative. “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.” ~Dr. Seuss Be more creative with Creative Problem Solving – 5 minutes to 50 ideas. When I teach a class or creativity workshop, I lead a lesson on generating the perfect slogan for a billboard or t-shirt. I begin by […]

hire a writer at

9 Ways to Improve Writing

Improve writing and get a better response. 1. Be Interesting If you’re looking for ways to improve writing quality, we have compiled a few. Your reader shouldn’t fall asleep. Either learn to use words well, or learn to tell a story. At best, you will learn to do both. If you have trouble with writing […]

Graphic Design

Graphic design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures to motivate a person toward an objective. Eye catching graphic design. Functionality. Beauty of form. A call to action. Great graphic design must serve your purpose. It isn’t enough to be pretty; your customer must understand your message. Are you ready to make […]

3 Quick Ways To Grab Attention

When you look at a magazine or billboard, or even TV, some things grab your attention more than others. Marketing companies have spent bucket loads of cash to figure out what attracts you. Anthropologists and psychologists try to figure out what drives you. Artists want to move you. Musicians want to inspire you. And so […]

Choosing a good domain name

Choosing a Domain Name & Using A Domain Name

Choosing a domain name can be challenging. Good domain names are easy to remember, and they often tell the user exactly what the product is. They may even contain keywords. There are a lot of good choices for your domain name. Sometimes you find the perfect domain easily. Other times it seems like every possible […]